Sunday, 24 March 2013

Parkour Generations Weekend Wakeup class

Handstand exercise (Those are my feet far right!)

Today, inspired by how energetic I felt immediately after running The Demon Run in Bracknell, I looked up the location of the weekend wake up class run by Parkour Generations, and then headed off to Kilburn to take advantage of the cold weather.

There were about 7 people overall, and two trainers. We started off with a light jog to the training spot (which I welcomed due to the fact that it was absolutely Baltic!). Then, after a few joint rotations, we began warming up in earnest! The route was a flat sprint area along, some steps up, another sprint area and then a slope down. We went round this route several times with a different variation of movement on the non sprint areas each time. So forward monkey walk, backwards monkey walk (very difficult up the steps!), then sideways movement. Then we all repositioned at the bottom of the steps, and two teams of three did a relay race of backwards monkey walk. First we did it normally, and then with our eyes closed. Although we did win this, I felt really bad as my knees kept sinking to the steps (damn you arm strength!), so it probably helped a little bit.

Next we were practicing precision jumps. First two were left and then right foot starting just onto the pavement verge, and the second two were this but landing on top of the bollard. We got the chance to do this over and over again, but were only allowed to count the ones where all four were in control and we could stick the landing. Initially I was frightened about slipping on the bollards. I stood over one and did a little check that a slip with a foot on either side wouldn’t end up with a nasty surprise. It all looked good. It took me almost the whole of the time allowed to get my ten, but I did it! As I was finishing, the more experienced members of the group had moved onto a sort of hop, skip and jump onto the bollard.

Time for traversing! We moved over to the thick railing nearby, and split up into ability groups for our traversing tasks. Initially I was just trying to contract myself in and hold myself on the railing. Then I managed to do some traverses left and right. Had to take my gloves off for this, as I had no bloody grip at all! At my level of training, it was just enough to try and stay on and work my arm muscles. But I did get one good traverse in, without even stopping. When I got to the end I realised the coach had been watching me, yeah! Normally when i'm watched, I immediately fail, no matter how good I was getting on before! So pretty chuffed at that!

 The final task was striding and jumping up onto the wall, with balance, and trying to land both feet simultaneously. I saw others completely bypassing the wall and getting on the rail like supermen. I’ve definitely got my eye on that skill!

We did a little core strength work, including some handstands, then we all stretched out. I have to say my wrists were feeling it! Then, spontaneously, there was a massive group hug! I’m not even kidding, very funny, and I love the fact that everyone is so energetic even at the end of the class. After such a challenging (for me) class, my plans to go swimming went out the window, and I headed home to sleep for 3 hours instead!


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