Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Aqua Zumba

As many of you will know, the day job that I daren’t give up is as a trainee veterinary nurse. So this is why I know about the use of hydrotherapy water treadmills, usually in dogs with arthritis (just you try doing that to a cat!). The idea behind this is that the slight water resistance as the dog keeps its feet on the floor and yet has to push against the water to walk will help to strengthen the muscles in the limbs and eventually reduce pain. Now you may be wondering whether on earth you’ve stumbled into the wrong blog here! But the reason that I am explaining all this is that I think I have just experienced the human equivalent – Aqua Zumba!

When I first saw the advert for the class, I knew I had to try it out! But I also thought it would probably be really easy. After all, I do a lot of fitness stuff – how hard can splashing about in the water be? Well, when you’re stomach deep and trying to drag your unwilling limbs through the water to a zesty Latin beat, it’s pretty bloody hard!

The class is held in Highbury and Islington pool from 9pm-10pm on Tuesday nights. It is important to note that this particular night is ladies only night, so sorry guys, if you were thinking of trying, you may need to research a different, mixed class. For the class they closed off most of the pool and just had one tiny little strip that could accommodate one person swimming up and down. They also lowered the temperature of the pool quite a few degrees in preparation for all the exertion and jumping up and down. But it wasn’t too bad! A couple of other women warned me that the pool was freezing just before I was about to get in! It was probably about 20 degrees? I told that I had swum at 3 degrees, at which they both simultaneously shivered at the thought and began to back away slowly!

After a few minutes the instructor Judy Milner appeared to start the class. She was a very energetic woman, and overall got really into the dances. At a couple of points during the class the instructor even fell off her perch as she was dancing! Although she did divulge that she was feeling a little bit under the weather, so not sure if it was enthusiasm or fever! Frequently she tried to elicit claps, smiles and cries of ‘Hey!’ from the class. I joined in with these gamely, but felt that very few people did it, maybe for fear of looking stupid? Ever since I put one foot across a small gate and it opened before I could get the other across, leaving me helplessly straddling the swinging gate in an ungainly position until somebody bodily lifted me off of it, I no longer consider this factor. I’ve already been down to that point and then some!

The first few dances were a warm up. They were energetic and followed on quickly from each other. Straight away she launched into the dances, and I tried to fight the water drag to keep up with her. I was actually really enjoying splashing the water about, gamely ignoring the near drowning of those around me (this only really occurred to me later!) for the first two dances. Then she paused her tape and made a pointed announcement quite probably aimed at me. “In Aqua Zumba, we do our arm movements underwater, okay?” Humbled, I had to calm down a bit for the rest of the class.

A few of the songs that were played were the same as the normal Zumba songs, so it was nice to hear some familiarity, especially as the variety was in the dance that was tailored to the water environment. I was especially chuffed to hear ‘Ari Ari’ by the Bombay Rockers! I love this song so much that it is one of my running songs. And I was even more intrigued when the whole class had to get into a big circle to start! We did choppy hand movements and hoppy leg movements, all the while bopping round in a circle! The dance ended with a ‘Hokey Cokey’ style circle close and open. This was all punctuated with the surprise use by the instructor of a very loud whistle. She did not shout instructions for this song, or dance it all out, but mostly waved her hands and blew the whistle enthusiastically. But for the rest of the songs she did shout or gesture instructions as well as dance.

The atmosphere in the class was jovial, but there wasn’t any time to chat to any of the other participants, as the dances were following thick and fast! Still, I was corrected a couple of times for mistakes I made, mostly when my confusion started drifting the whole class to the right in an attempt to prevent bumping into me!

I love the fact that they have this particular class only for women. Women who do not want to be in swimsuits around men, maybe for fitness or religious reasons can come and feel comfortable. The employees are all female at this time too. This is definitely one to try! But be prepared to be feeling the ache in your legs the next day – I know I am!

Information about Highbury & Islington Aqua Aerobics classes can be found here:

Follow the instructor Judy Milner on Twitter @DosSeis.

Ps. Photographs not taken in order to respect the privacy of those attending the Ladies only nights.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. thank you. I've just seen this... I've been mega biz. The class is still full on and super energetic. Anyone thinking of joining us, please book early. I love it.... flatt7.... pop down for more whenever you wish. Judy BM
