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Mid Mudder! |
Right now, I’m
sitting in my bed, with barely functional legs and my race number still
partially visible on my arm. Even though walking is a little bit of an issue, I
feel both proud and relieved. For yesterday I undertook the challenge that I
have been training towards for the best part of six months – the Tough Mudder!
Hoo-ra!!! Ahem, excuse me, got a little carried away there. This race consists
of just under 12 miles, and 22 kickass obstacles. So, the big question is,
after so much anticipation, how did I rate it?
Starting out
with beautiful weather, it turned just about 40 minutes before my start time,
with torrential rain appearing out of nowhere! This was the weather I started
the Tough Mudder in, but as I went along, this did alternate with sunny and
cloudy periods. But before we started, we had to get warmed up! The warm up was
short with lots of focus on team spirit (I had to hug, hand hold and kiss the
cheek of a random bloke next to me!). Then we were required to take the Tough
Mudder pledge, which focuses on bravery and team spirit. We were told that the
signal for someone that needs assistance is them holding their arms in an X
above their head, and if we see it we should do the same so the course
Marshalls notice and can help. Then there was some mildly disturbing
encouragement to chant out retail brand names, which I did not join in with.
Tough Mudder has a witty sense of humor |
The course
overall, as expected, was extremely muddy and slippery! At some points, not one
single person was able to run without tasting the mud. At others, you could get
a sort of half speed awkward trot over the mud. Many people were sliding down
on their bum on the downhill mud, a technique I embraced with no care to any
aspect of dignity; when it’s this muddy, avoiding accidental injury is the main
aim! At one point, I saw a guy try to use a large branch as a sort of walking
stick – he slipped almost instantly and came very close to impaling himself on it. Luckily he abandoned his
stick after that close call. There were also good sections with more grip.
These were drier parts of the country trail, gravel paths and some roads that
wound very close to the event village. These are absolutely vital in my opinion
to create an opportunity to build up some body heat. Dipping in and out of
rivers was par for the course, and also several of the obstacles are water
obstacles, so it was easy to get cold quickly if you weren’t aware of this
creeping up on you. I spoke to one person whose friend had been taken off of
the course with first stage hypothermia, and I very much doubt they were the
only one. Comedy signs were set up all the place, with witticisms such as “If
you’re huffing and puffing now, we feel sorry for your better half!” and “Get
running, my Grandma just passed you.” At about a third of the obstacles
speakers had been set up to blast music out, which is very motivational! At the
more dangerous ones Marshalls and standby paramedics were present. The Marshalls
would cheer you on, encourage you and also reassure you if you were a bit
freaked out (as I frequently was during this event!). Everyone was looking out
for everyone else on the course – it was the friendliest race I’ve ever run in!
If you look like you’re flagging, have difficulty with an obstacle, are limping
or have stopped, guaranteed everyone running past would pause to check you were
okay. It’s actually bringing a tear to my eye thinking about it (I blame the
fatigue!). At the obstacles swathes of runners were waiting for five minutes
past their completion of it to help those behind them, even those not in their team.
In my case, I found it difficult to haul 80kg guys up the Berlin Walls, but I
did stop at a few riverbeds to provide a sure handhold for those coming up
behind me. The water and refreshments stands were amazing at this event! I lost
count of how many there were, but they came up so often I was never in too much
risk of cramp from low fuel. They had half bananas and water tanks. At one of
the final stands, a Marshall offered to feed me the banana as I was so muddy!
Unfortunately I had eaten so much mud by then I literally couldn’t have cared
less about food hygiene! So I took it with my muddy glove and devoured it.
Let’s just say it was, um, a little crunchier than bananas usually are. Near
the end of the course the route went straight through a field of sheep, which
were running about with their lambs in tow. One ewe was making a beeline for
runners, and only a panicked sprint took me out of her path – do not mess with
mothering ewes, just trust me on that! Plus, my mum used to foster a female
sheep, I can tell you being head butted by one hurts quite a lot! Would be
interested if anyone didn’t manage to avoid the sheep on the unofficial 23rd
obstacle, Gauntlet of Sheep.
But this is the
Tough Mudder, and I know what you guys really want to read about – the
obstacles! For those of you that have just completed one, you may be nodding in
agreement. For those of you about to run one, this should be a good way to swot
up on what to expect!
Arctic Enema
The very first
obstacle. Yup! This obstacle requires you to jump into a pit of freezing water,
and then duck your head under a wooden board with barbed wire on top. So I
thought it was lovely that they put it right at the start where you would have
no chance to warm up (note sarcasm). I did ice water swimming in preparation
for this, so I was aware that jumping into ice water is roughly akin to jumping
into a large bucket full of acid. When I got to the top of the step I could see
the dip was narrow enough to allow you to use the sides to swing yourself
further out before you dropped into the water. You can’t hesitate, you can’t
think. Without pause I swung myself out and down – splash! My head went under
the water for a split second as I landed, then I bobbed up, gasping. There were
no actual chunks of floating ice as I have seen in videos of previous Tough
Mudders. But I think it’s possible they had melted slightly from others going
through. But believe me, it was plenty cold! Now I was in front of the middle
board. Here it is possible to get stuck. The longer you stand there, the more
everything freezes, the more you can’t work up the courage to dunk your head. I
took one, two, three deep breaths, then...UNDER! Once on the other side it is
just a matter of sploshing to the other side and hauling yourself out. A great
thing about the cold is that afterwards for about a mile your legs feel great
and unstoppable (because they are numb!).
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The freezing cold ice bucket! |
Kiss of mud
This is a crawl
through a muddy lane with barbed wire above and around you. It is flanked
either side by almost swamp like conditions that came right up to my knees. I
found this one pretty easy, and even had a sort of unspoken race with the guy
crawling one lane over from me. I won – just saying. :P
Walk the
This is a jump
from a 15 foot high tower into a deep body of water. Anyone who has known me
for more than about ten minutes is aware I have quite a crippling fear of
heights, so as we went up the steps I found myself chanting “Oh God, oh God, oh
God...”. They pair you up for the jump on adjacent edges, I presume it’s so
that the other person can call out if you’re in the middle of drowning. Here
the Marshalls are right at the end of the drop too, giving people stop or go
signals. Well, if you were jump too soon, you would land straight on top of
another person who’s still struggling to the surface! As I got right up to the
drop I knew I couldn’t do it, but another part of me (possibly my Tough
Mudderness, if there is such a thing!) overrode that, and before I knew it, I
had jumped! Straight down I went, then I was underwater. Water was pushed into
my nose as I entered the water, though I think I had the foresight to close my
mouth and my eyes. In this moment, another from long ago flashed up in my
memory. In my teens, I had gone white water rafting with my sister, and at one
point the whole boat tipped back and delivered everyone into the raging stream.
I fell upside down, and had no knowledge of which way was up or down to know
which way to kick. Then my lifejacket brought me to the surface. This time, I
had no lifejacket, but a lot more wherewithal. A couple of hard kicks and I
broke the surface with a surge of relief. Then only a few strokes brought me
close to the net and I hauled myself out, coughing and spluttering.
These are wobbly
islands kept in line by a strong length of rope. As you jump from island to
island, they can buck sideways or sink completely under just by virtue of their
instability. A sign on the side of them said “If you fall off, stay off!” In
that case, you have to swim the rest of the river across. I knew my relatively
light weight would help me here. I easily jumped across to each one, landing in
a crouch then moving over to the next. The final jump across to the riverbed
was slightly too far for my ability, so a short wade at that point saw me
safely on the other side.
Glory blades
These are
climbing walls, but they have been inverted towards you so you have to climb at
a leaning back angle, and then (in my case, anyway) do an undignified belly
slide on the other side. Many people were boosting or pulling each other up
Rows of plastic
barrels are strung together, and floated over water. Then you have to make your
way under them. The main risk here
was the time underwater was much longer than for the head dip of arctic enema.
Many people were lifting themselves up or feeling underneath to check the
distance. On the first set I came up too soon and bashed my head. Then had to
keep going underwater without screaming! I felt a little disorientated when I
came up from it. If anyone has ever tried to surface only to find something
above them, they will know how frickin’ horrible it is! For the others I was a
little more careful and swam further to clear the barrels.
Human Gecko
This is
essentially a climbing wall spanning sideways over a body of water. I was still
a little freaked out from the other water obstacles, so didn’t fancy going in
again. So I didn’t half grip tight as I edged my way across. From all around I
could hear sudden splashes and cheers as person after person took an unexpected
dunk. I actually think my ice climbing helped a little bit here. As others were
being directed this way or that by helpful Mudders around them, I could see the
path pretty clearly, so only had to focus on keeping a good grip. I would say
this is the one obstacle which tested my arm strength the most, mostly because
of my bloody minded determination.
Electric Eel
No. Who the hell
thought this shit up?? A thin layer of water with electrical wires hanging
above it. Tough Mudder had a bypass for those who had metal plates or
pacemakers in their body, but unfortunately I had to go through. I can tell you
right now that being shocked makes your whole body spasm in a very unpleasant
way. If it’s bad enough a face plant is very possible. I crawled through on my
belly and each time I got shocked, let out a frankly bloodcurdling scream. On
the right of me a guy shot through, accidentally swinging all of the wires
towards me. This brought me very close to the tears, and I’m fairly sure I
swore profusely at him! Even after my torrent of screaming, he still stayed to
guide me through the rest and even held the final one aside for me! Blimey! All
is forgiven, dude.
Tunnels with a
thin layer of water at the bottom. Obviously designed to be able to accommodate
the bulkiest of men if he was writhing through on his stomach, I found myself
able to crawl happily on hands and knees! A fun and fast obstacle.
Imagine large
pits you have to jump across. Imagine about seven of them. Imagine treacherous
muddy landings. Now imagine that if you don’t do it fast enough, someone with
slightly more enthusiasm than foresight is going to go barrelling into the back
of you. Yeah. Ever aware of the risk, I went across as fast as I possibly
could, almost sliding into the pits in front with my landings. I saw one girl
do some incredibly painful looking splits with one foot on top and one in the
pit, then go limping off onto the side.
This was meant
to be leaping through fiery and smoky pits. In fact, I can see in some pictures
that other people did do it. But when I arrived at this obstacle there seemed
to be no clear way into it, and all the runners went around the side. Not sure
if they closed it or there was just some confusion? Shame.
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Getting down and muddy |
The Mud Miles
There were two
of these, and can I say hands down my favourite bit of the course! Just
basically alternating piles of mud and muddy water, up and down, up and down. Scrambling
up and down these was so fun. On the first mud mile I saw several people doing
the arm X that was described earlier, but I couldn’t see who the person in
distress was! Hopefully, they were helped, after about half a minute all the Xs
went down. On the second mud mile I felt a little guilty as I saw a confused
beetle splashing about in the mud pit, but didn’t stop to rescue him like I
normally would. Hope he survived the Tough Mudder!
A belly crawl through an enclosed muddy
trench. What they don’t tell you is the floor of the trench is covered with
jaggy rocks. Painful!
Hold Your
A short log
carry up and around a hill. There were little logs for us loners, and long ones
for the teams. Damn my bony shoulders! I shouldered it for about halfway,
swapped shoulders, then ended up carrying it like a precious handbag clutched
to my chest. Still, I’m very glad I practiced this one.
Log Jammin’
A simple
obstacle in which you have to climb up a wall of logs, then duck under the next
one, a few times in a row.
Hero Carry
In this obstacle
you have to pick up another person and carry them through the section. As I
approached this I was running alongside a team of burley men who were regarding
the approaching section with some apparent dread. “So” I said “I weigh 50
Kilograms. Who wants to carry me?”
“Dibs!” came a
voice back very quickly. Taking a fire-fighter’s hold on me, we started off.
What I actually hadn’t realised was that we were supposed to swap halfway!
Until one of his friends informed me... “Are we realistically going to swap?” I
asked the brave Mudder carrying me. “I weigh 14 stone” He replied. For those of
you trying to convert this, it’s almost 90 Kilograms, or the same weight as a
small lion. We decided to keep the carry one way.
Hero Walls
These are just
massive 12 foot walls, with no way to grip, and covered in mud from other
Mudders. Here, my thanks have go out to the team with the pink tassley t-shirts,
who basically bodily hauled me up two of them, and called me a ‘Beast’ for
running the Tough Mudder solo. I only saw one person get up these walls on
their own. ONE, and I must have watched a hundred people go through. This is
truly a team obstacle.
Funky Monkey
Monkey bars! Oh,
but not just monkey bars. Monkey bars greased with god knows what, and
suspended above yet another muddy dip. It took me only 2 bars before I got
reacquainted with the water. I saw several people make it across, but a lot of
people fall 6 or 7 bars in. No women made it right across the bars when I was
there, but I’m sure they did over the course of the day.
Cage crawl
This is a new
obstacle for Tough Mudder as far as I’m aware, and a very inventive one!
Ditches of muddy water have a long section of cage wire placed over them. The
water goes very close to the cage so you have to get on your back, let your
legs trail along behind you and pull yourself along with your hands on the wire
above you. A few pulls in, the water level raises and covers your ears, so only
the very front of your face is not submerged. Once you’re halfway through the
trench there is no way out. It’s all enclosed, and someone has already started
behind you. If you stop, they’re going to bump into you with their head and
you’ll both panic. So even though I could feel rising panic and fear, I just
kept going. Some of these trenches were dyed colours such as red or green, so
on the other side the ground was a kaleidoscope of all the colours!
Ahh, the
infamous Everest. I bet that if you are interested in Tough Mudder, you have
already heard of this and seen videos aplenty. But for those that haven’t, it
is basically a huge curved wall. The aim is to sprint at the wall with your
arms raised, and one of helpful Mudders at the top will grab you and pull you
up. A commentator was on the wall, cheering on the Mudders and reassigning
those helping at the top so it was an even spread. It was taking many people
multiple attempts to get up, so there was a long queue for it. It was here that
many people began to seriously feel the wind bite them. People were jumping up
and down to stay warm. I felt it myself, and started shivering. I was just
hoping I got my chance at Everest before all my muscle coordination had gone.
To improve the grip, I rolled up my sleeves, and dried my hands and arms on the
nearby grass. Then, finally it was my turn! I sprinted at the wall as hard as I
could, and managed to grab two guy’s arms. They pulled me partway, then a third
grabbed my leg and they rolled me up!
A short section
of hanging electrical wires. You’re supposed to dash through bravely, but
having had my first taste of what being shocked felt like earlier I tried to
use a duck and dive technique. Sliding through the mud on my belly still didn’t
help me however. I got shocked several times, each feeling worse than the last. Not as bad as the later runners though, who
had to deal with a large tank sprinkling water over them as they went through!
Finally I made
it through, and went through the finish banner. In total, the Tough Mudder course had taken me 4 and a half hours! Immediately I burst into tears,
a combination I think of fatigue, relief and quite how much I actually hate being shocked. A group of people
gave me a big hug, an example of the amazing sense of community there was.
Now, think carefully. Has this made you want to do a Tough Mudder? If so, great! But make sure you prepare long and hard for it. This is no easy feat, and if you enter without adequate training you more than likely will feel miserable after the first 3 miles. I enjoyed it a lot, but there were aspects where you definitely need, as Tough Mudder puts it, ‘Mental grit’. But if you’re sure you have it, great! I’ll see you at the next Tough Mudder! ;)
Extremely emotional at the end of Tough Mudder! |
Now, think carefully. Has this made you want to do a Tough Mudder? If so, great! But make sure you prepare long and hard for it. This is no easy feat, and if you enter without adequate training you more than likely will feel miserable after the first 3 miles. I enjoyed it a lot, but there were aspects where you definitely need, as Tough Mudder puts it, ‘Mental grit’. But if you’re sure you have it, great! I’ll see you at the next Tough Mudder! ;)
Sure made me laugh !
ReplyDeleteMade me realize I need to step up the training to :-)
What a great achievement, well done.
I look forward to the London South event !!
Glad you enjoyed reading this! Yeah, very difficult in my opinion, I trained for a long time, and still had some trouble. But then you can't really train for shocks!0.o
Deletegreat review and well done TM!